St. Xavier's Senior Secondary Schoolis a Christian minority school under the management of the Jesuits, an international Christian Religious Order, known as the Society of Jesus. Our motto is 'Motto: Deus Fortitudo Mea' meaning 'God is my strength'.

⚫ SMART CLASSES: All classroom from Class I-XII are converted to Smart Class Room with technology and content provided by Educomp and Extra Marks.

⚫ LIBRARY: A well-equipped airconditioned library and a reading room for the students of all classes in the primary, secondary and senior secondary sections.

⚫ AUDIO-VISUAL ROOM: An audio-visual instruction room equipped with overhead projector, LCD projector, Plasma TV. DVD player and laptop computers

⚫ COMPUTER LABS: Three separate Computer labs for senior, middle and junior students, with over 250 computers.

⚫ SWIMMING POOL: A 50- meter Olympic standard swimming pool and a junior pool for the beginners, with a filtration plant and seating arena for 500 persons.


Best school in Jaipur

St. Xavier’s Sr. Sec. School was ranked as Jaipur’s No. 1 Day Co-Ed School in the Education World India School Rankings 2013. Education World magazine rated and ranked over 600 of India’s most high profile schools on 14 parameters- academic reputation, faculty competence, leadership quality, sports education, etc. St. Xavier’s, Jaipur has been one of the leading institutions in the country for the last 70 years and the students have proved their mettle in each and every field, be it academics or extra curricular activities. When the principal, Fr. John Ravi S.J. was asked about this achievement, he said that it was possible only because of the team spirit. Fr. Ravi received the award at The Lalit, New Delhi on 14 September on The Annual Education World India School Rankings Award Nite.


House System

HOUSE SYSTEM - Blues, Golds, Greens and Reds

Certain activities like dramatics, elocution, sports and games are conducted under the guidance of the Vice-Principals and House Moderators assisted by Captains and Cultural Secretaries. House Moderators, Captains, and Cultural Secretaries are appointed for this purpose.

Prefect System

Prefect System

It is a body of students appointed by the Principal, and it functions under the guidance of the Vice-Principals.

Co-curricular Activities
The years a student spends in the school enable him/her to acquire sound principles of conduct and action, and lay a solid foundation for true and purposeful living when he/she attains manhood or womanhood. Principles of honesty, trust, cooperation, self-reliance, and hard work are inculcated through various school activities. In these activities the boy/girl learns to do things for him/herself under the steady supervision and guidance of moderators.


In this School, we're brothers and sisters. In this School, we learn to pray, For God is our true Father And Guides us on our way.
Oh, it's fine, it's grand, it's marvelous St. Xavier's Gold and Blue! We learn to serve our fellow-men For God and country too. Rich and Poor, we come together Lending all a helping hand, People of all religions As one family we stand. Our School is a place of learning But it gives us as we put in, It molds and builds our character To face the world and win.
- Fr. G.A. Drinane, S.J.


Xavier's Alumni is the new name for the Old Boy's Association (OBA), the apex body of the alumni of St. Xavier's School, Jaipur. With a rich and textured history of its own, Xavier's Alumni (XA) has over 4000 members who are spread far and wide to every corner of the earth. The Aim of the Alumni Association is 'to foster and to keep alive the bonds of friendship and understanding among the alumni themselves and between the Alumni and the School.' Membership to the Xavier's Alumni is available to the students who have studied in St. Xavier's School, Jaipur as per the criteria laid down in the XA constitution. The approval of the Principal is required for the students of the passing out batch to become members. Members of the Alumni are granted specified privileges by the school which are mentioned in the X.A. directory. Over the years, the Alumni has organized numerous events encompassing the school boy and girls and the society. It has a calendar of events for each year, which includes career counselling for students of senior classes, debates and quiz contests, essay competition, and numerous other sporting events. It is also alive to the needs of the school, the society and the nation. In addition to the social activities, the Xavier's Alumni organizes a number of activities for the fraternity of its members, such as The Alumni Picnic, the pool-side party, and the Xavier's Ball. the members get together in large numbers with their families at such occasions. The Alumni comes out with a quarterly issue of its own Newsletter with news and views of the Alumni. The associations is a part of the North Zone, All India and World Jesuit Alumni Association.


Contact number - St Xavier's Jaipur : 0141 237 2336